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Indigenous Missions

Indigenous missions is to raise and train indigenous missionaries and to send them to the unreached people...

Why Indigenous missions?

I. World Now!
​97% of world unreached lives in the 10/40 Window. The majority of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists live in this window.
Over 80,000 die every day in Asian and African Countries without knowing about God's love in Jesus Christ. Who can finish Jesus remaining task in a given time?

II. The Strong Points of Native (Asian and African) Missionary
1. Effective Cultural Adjustment
AAM can reach this people without much cultural barriers. Although AAM do face many difficulties when they preach Gospel of Jesus Christ person to person, they still have a lot more advantages to adjust to the hard situation of mission field comparing to the western missionaries.

2. Field Situations, exclusive to foreign mission.
85% of Asian and North African countries do not allow western missionaries to come and freely teach and preach God's Word. But native Asian and African missionaries are so indigenous to the unreached. They are not perceived as a foreign missionaries. But they comfortably communicate with the unreached since they already know the languages.

3. Cost is less but very fruitful church planting
A native missionary can be trained as a missionary with one(1) dollar per day for a year. After they finished the training, you can send them to the unchurched with the less than $1,000 per year while for foreign missionaries takes $75,000. But the quality of LWM Asian and African missionary is incredible.
90% of our graduates begin their ministry where there is no church at all. most of them are able to pioneer new church within six months. But their fruits is not only beginning new fellowship but making disciples among new believers.
After one to two years they bring their committed disciples to be trained as a leader of new fellowship or to be missionaries to other villages.

III. One Million Missionary Needed.
To light Jesus' Light to the all unreached Light World Mission realized years ago that we would need One Million Pioneer Missionaries to plant churches among all the unreached people groups in North Africa and Asia.
The Light World Mission Now!
To Mobilize potential workers Light world Mission has opened 11 missionary training centers and 35 discipleship training centers in East Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, India, Philippines Mindanao, South Korea, and China. Now more than 200 LWMers are working for this mission.

Here are some of the things we do:

  • Missionary Training Center (6 months intensive training at training center + 6 months field training)

  • Targeting villages without the gospel or a Christian presence, as well as strategic locations

Our MOTTO is that “Be the Light of the Lord, to Light the World”.




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